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The Capsule Wardrobe Edition: Part 1

by Diana Edwards March 10, 2017 2 min read

The Capsule Wardrobe Edition Yummy Blog Maternity Shop

Part I: As easy as one, two, three

If you’re at home, chances are you’re sitting in a room with storage that’s filled with stuff. Toys your baba has outgrown, fad exercise equipment you’d rather just forget about and plenty of clothes you keep on promising yourself you’ll wear again one day. Let’s be honest with ourselves here mamas - we all own a dress we wore to someone’s wedding in 2004 that we might just wear again or those pair of jeans we know our bums will never really fit into post-pregnancy. We all have too much stuff. We live in a world where somehow, especially when it comes to fashion, we keep on picking quantity over quality. We reckon it comes from that awful feeling when you stand in front of your wardrobe and hate everything you own. The general consensus is that it gets even harder when you’re pregnant; your body is changing so often that you’re buying new clothes every couple of months and now your cute denim jacket won’t close because your boobs are too big. Take a deep breath - we’re here for you. But before we explain how to create a capsule maternity wardrobe that’s reflective of your style we’re giving you three tips on how to declutter your wardrobe.
  1. Empty your ENTIRE wardrobe Yes, we mean everything. Think about it - do you even know what your wardrobe looks like empty?
  2. Have you worn this in a year? Now go through your clothes piece by piece and honestly ask yourself if you’ve worn that mustard yellow knit that was very on trend in 2009 since then. If not, goodbye.
  3. Does it spark joy? Based on the “KonMari Method” which was developed by Marie Kondo in her book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”, this question is about having a wardrobe is only filled with clothes that make you happy. Forget about how much it cost or how little it may have been used - because once you give it away it’ll spark joy in someone else.
Check out Part II for how to build your capsule wardrobe with comfy basics that make you look great!